Some people believe in reincarnation/rebirth of the soul. My first experience with past lives occurred about 10 years ago during a dream. In the dream I observed some people and an internal voice told me "this is you in a past life". I have been quite familiar with the concept of reincarnation but never really trying to recall any past lives. From that time on, I had started to recall other "lives". However, I do not view rebirth from past to present. What I mean is, during a cosmic consciousness experience I was able to realize that life is all One and that we only focus on a separate existence(s) within the limit of a linear time. Everything occurs at the same time and one can have the ability to see other life forms (which does not necessarily mean) that one was an animal or a plant etc. Since everything is interconnected a person is able to access the information of everything else/everyone else. So, what may seem as a "past life" is actually another life we're not conscious of until that moment. There is an imprint of this in the Akashik records (the energy field containing all information) This imprint allows psychics and in the past prophets to see the "past and the future" There is in fact no past no present no future (just NOW and ONE) You can become aware of what it feels to be a dolphin or an apple tree or another individual (whom you believe to have been in another life) However, there is a field of past life regression and one called life progression. The later lets a person experience or glimpse a "future life of theirs"
Everything is occurring at the same time but our consciousness abides to a three dimensional world and linear time.
Some people believe that when a person reincarnates in a new body, they look similar to the other person (because they carry the same spiritual or rather astral essence). I personally do not hold this conviction too strongly but am open minded to it. One experience of mine occurred few years ago when I dreamt of specific art work and two spiritual guides. Upon waking up, I went online and tried to make sense of the information I've received in my dream state. That is how I came upon Cynthia's website about this phenomenon.
Later, she compared a picture of mine with that of the artist Hilma Af Klint that I had dreamt about (and had very vivid art work images for about few days in my mind's eye.) Now, it is possible that my "current" personal consciousness had tapped into that of the "individual one" of the artist Hilma Af Klint. I am not saying I am her reincarnation. I am only stating that since we are all part of ONE, we could have the experience and knowledge of other beings. So there is really nothing that reincarnates or moves from body to body (it is only that at certain time we become aware of something or someone else) You may as well one day have an experience of "my" consciousness and so forth. WE are all ONE. Just something to ponder upon.