On the other hand, when a person with a balanced and healthy chakra comes in contact with someone who is afflicted, a part of the light from the heart of the healthy person is transmitted to the heart of the other one. However, the person receiving this light has to receive it with an open heart. If that person dwells on negativity, anger and hatred, the gift of the light will bounce right off of him. This happens because of the grace of free will that people have. That is why we cannot say that another person’s words or actions are the totally responsible for how we feel. Their intent may very well have been malicious but it is us that allowed their negativity to spread its seeds in our hearts. From that moment on, if we water these seeds with like emotions, we give life to the negativity in us and allow it to spread its roots deeper and deeper.
The heart chakra is what allows us to experience feelings the physical heart alone cannot do. Each time we have a positive or a negative emotions, it is registered by the heart chakra. This chakra also registers all of our emotions which we have had in the past. The chakra is an energy filed with a limitless storage capacity. If we experience negative feelings over and over for a prolonged period of time, the chakra becomes weakened. Our physical hear can also become affected and its afflictions show ups as heart disease. We are both physical and spiritual beings and the body is in constant communication with the energetic auric field. Nothing is ever unregistered no matter how insignificant we may believe it is. There may be times when we are unable to explain why we feel a certain way and despite how hard we think, nothing comes to our mind to let us pin point to the origin of our emotions.
Since the heart chakra operates on the energetic field level, it can host memories not only form this present existence but it is also the store house of our past life memories. Those feelings which we have not resolved in a past life continue to be a burden in our life today. The light or darkness within us is manifested beyond the limitations of time and space. We have the ever present opportunity to restore and utilize our light within. When our heart chakra is open and is strong and luminous we are able to experience Oneness with the universe and connect with others in a harmonious way. We are able to reach and touch others with our light through acts of compassion, love and creativity. When our heart chakra is open, we are free to receive the information that comes to us in a non judgmental way and stay grounded in the present moment.
We make promises from the heart, laugh from the heart whole hearted or say that our heart feels broken when we are afflicted by emotional pain. It is the heart chakra that gives us our intuition in relationship to our interactions with others both on the physical and on the spiritual plane of existence.