We have the ability to bring light within or darkness within and impact not only our lives, but also those of other sentient beings. “Light and darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers and sisters. They are inseparable.” (The Gospel of Philip) “…the masculine and feminine of God are the two poles of existence in one Being. They represent two different sides of itself, obverse and reverse in relation to each other. The two lines or currents of their energy, negative and positive, effect the manifestation of all that is within it.” (Sri Aurobindo)
God is energy that permeates everything. The nature of God is like the Yin and the Yang. If we see dualism in nature, how can we say that this is not also the nature of God? There can be no light if there is no darkness. This light and darkness is accessible to all, and one must choose which should dominate his life. We can all love and create beautiful artwork as well as hate and destroy. We are capable of creating heaven or hell not only for our psyche but for other sentient beings as well. The God within allows us to have freewill to do as we please within the limitations of external circumstances. Our desires can awaken both the godly and the devilish seed in us. It still amazes me how far some people will go in order to get what they want. Husbands kill their pregnant wives to be with their lovers, wives murder their husbands of twenty-plus years to collect insurance money, and children kill their parents because they hate them, the scenarios are many. The behavior we choose to nourish will either give us life and light or plunge us into peril and darkness. “So you must live like people who belong to the light, for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth.” (Ephesians 5:8-9)
Darkness in the world comes from our ignorance and self-centeredness. Light, comes from the core of our being as well. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said, “there is light within a man of light, and it lights up the whole world. If he does not shine, he is in darkness.” What is inside of us emanates in the physical world, and thus we create our reality. Both light and darkness originate in our minds.
Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening