The Anointed Ones
Who are the Anointed Ones?
This writing was transmitted through channeling information that came from those who are called the Light Bearers. The two Light Bearers who have identified themselves as Ancethemus and Theosophus are just two out of many who transmitted this so that Man knows His origin. All of this was possible through the Law of ONE!
Those are the Light Bearers!
They bear witness of the light in and the light out. The light everywhere.
There is always light in the midst of darkness because the two go together but some have more light than others.
This determines how Bright they will shine and through their shining they can see more and do more and experience more.
Can the light be extinguished?
The light can never be extinguished only it can shine bright or dim.
It is the flame that never burns out. It is the flame that lights up the whole world and it is the flame that lights up a small room. It can do ALL of that!
How can the light shine bright?
The light can shine bright if more oil is added to the lamp.
What is the lamp?
It is the core of the being. The wick!
What is the oil?
It is the sea of infinity brightness and of Life.
How is it that some shine brighter while others not?
There are lamps of different quality. Some contain more some less oil.
Who are the anointed ones?
The anointed ones are those whose flame is not contained in the lamp but set forth and it lights up other’s paths. They are the Light Bearers. They come and they got and will continue to do so until you learn how to light up your own lamp and need nothing after that to sustain its flame.
Their flame does not burn out. Yours does because of not knowing how to be a good light keeper. A good light keeper carries his lamp in all conditions and it never burns out. A novice light keeper is always afraid of when his oil will burn out and is afraid of the dark after that. The good light keeper knows of no darkness because He dwells in Light.
You’ve seen many good Light Keepers but you did not take some of their flame to light up your oil lamps. You rely on that which burns out. You expect it to burn out and that is when you error for a true oil lamp does not burn out ever.
All are anointed -
Only few know how to keep the lamp constantly burning and illuminating the darkness.
What is the oil?
The substance of life.
Where is to b found?
How does it burn?
Through effortless action.
Can it be extinguished?
How come some have their oil lamps burn brighter than others?
Through THE CAUSE?
What is the cause?
Their Life!
Why is it necessary for the lamp to burn bright?
In order to see light as it is1 an eye opener and nothing more.
What will one see then?
Everything and that there is no darkness. One will see everything and nothing at the same time. There is no real time!
Can a person have their light transmitted to another person?
They can only transmit the initial spark if it is meant to be and nothing more.
Each carries their own lamp, their own flame, their own light!
Where does the light come from?
From the ONE!
Is one better than another if his light is not burning brighter?
No! There is no such thing as differentiation on the real level. Only on the superficial which people so often cling to.
ALL Flame is from the One primordial Fire!
Each being decides what to do with their lamp. Some carry it some forget that they have it and stumble in the dark.
What is the dark?
The darkness of the mind unilluminated.
Fire is the Life! Everything is on fire.
How so?
It is always burning never seizing. ONE lit fire spreads everywhere and touches everything and from that fire more fires ignite and continue to burn but they do not burn out and they do not destroy anything. Those are the pure Silver Fires.
Fires are brighter to spot in the darkness. When there is bright light it appears as though they are not as bright. But they are burning even now