I do not know how to begin...
I have meditated and focused on the purposed of my life....like many other.
On numerous occasions I had the messaged related to me by angels and spiritual guides that I need to heal with my hands. I do believe in energy healing/Reiki and even in childhood I tried to place my hands on my grandfather to help with his headaches.
It is just not exactly the most logical thing to say to someone "Hey the angels tell me to heal with my hands..." Nope, I am not schizophrenic....nope I am not on any drugs, nope I am not crazy. Yet, this society of ours is quick to shun you. I also believe in "distance healing" since I do not believe that physical distance is an obstacle just a three dimensional illusion. So, here I offer you some positive energy with my intent (with the disclaimer that if you're physically ill you should consult with your doctor or another medically trained and licensed physician) Mine is an offering of positive spiritual energy from one being to another. Take a moment to meditate on a positive radian energy coming from me to you and many blessings.