This writing was transmitted through channeling information that came from those who are called the Light Bearers. The two Light Bearers who have identified themselves as Ancethemus and Theosophus are just two out of many who transmitted this so that Man knows His origin. All of this was possible through the Law of ONE!
The Interventions
1) In its pity, the One Primordial Energy which some later started to refer as the “mother” and the other one of the physical nature referred to as the “father” pushed forth the death of the physical self so that the Original Primordial Energy or spirit had a chance to once again return to its place of origin permanently. 2) It could not bare witness to the perpetration which “self” inflected upon “itself” not remembering or recognizing that it was One and that it all came from the Original Primordial Energy. Men killing men, animals, raping, and destroying the flora and fauna for self serving purposes and other self injurious behaviors that exist upon the physical plane. 3) Any perpetration upon another being is a perpetration against the “self” and in actuality, against the Original Primordial Energy which some people now call god although the true nature of god is beyond comprehension and it cannot be named nor explained nor spoken of in any way. It is ALL that IS.
4) Men ought only to save himself from himself. There is no evil nor Devil and all lower destructive vibrations originate out of His desires to posses. There is no one to blame. All Men needs is to remember his true origin.
5) The Original Primordial Energy left men with a soul (a piece of original energy which is not tinted by anything external and which is unchangeable and it is not a slave of the individualistic ego that Men came to view as their true self in their ignorance).
6) The soul is not the same as Spirit because Spirit is all encompassing raw energy. Nevertheless, the soul is our gate to the Original Primordial Energy while the spirit is the blue print of this energy field never changing and always present everywhere in everything.
7) It needs to be acknowledged though that This energy has become tinted by the vibrations of the lower plane and it vibrates back to physical life over and over seeking self governed experiences and expression in a physical form.
8) It is not only Men who are part of this, it is all of life. It is the animals, the plants and these which we do not see with our physical eyes.
9) And it is the soul that cries to return its place of origin because the human mind cannot comprehend this simple yet astonishing truth!
10) And it is the spiritual that pulls us towards our place of origin but the ego of the human mind pulls us down into the physical dimension where we feel trapped.