Saturday, December 27, 2008


Psychologists have speculated whether feelings arise from our thoughts or whether our feelings generate thoughts. One plausible version is that thoughts produce feelings. When we focus on positive thoughts, our feelings change and as a result our actions reflect this in the outer world. A person has many thoughts during the course of the day. Some of our thoughts cause us to feel anxious, worried, peaceful or inpatient. Whatever the case is, the feelings we experience are the result of our own thoughts. If we put our energy into thinking how to help another sentient being, eliminate pollution in nature, or strive to evolve and connect with our inner wiser self, we would create a healthier atmosphere all around us. What we send into the universe comes back to us. The more love we send towards other sentient beings, the more love we will receive in return.
What we need to recognize is that love should be the driving force behind our growth, life, and aspirations. This is what the spiritual masters have taught through the ages. In Corinthians 13-8 we read, “Love is eternal.” God is eternal, which in turn translates to the well-known saying that God is Love.
Love is not a quality common and reserved only to humans. It is the essence of life. How can a person say that they love God but fail to love all of creation? We often hear that we have to love ourselves in order to love others. This does not come easy to some people because they have been wounded by others along their journeys, either psychologically, emotionally, or physically. Love therefore may be seen as another thing causing vulnerability. After all, no one wants to get hurt. When we withhold expressing love, we ultimately hurt ourselves in the long run.
The Master Beinsa Douno noted, “An intelligent man is a man who, even in the middle of the deepest darkness, can find the path that leads to God- the eternal and unchanging love in the universe.” In addition, the Dalai Lama points out that all sentient beings are equal. You can decide to love and be loved or continue to create unhealthy karmic patterns in your life. Freewill belongs to all of us and how we choose to exercise it is our responsibility. As we grow spiritually, we are able to recognize our uniqueness as well as our Oneness with all life forms. Sometimes we are scared of saying “I love you” because we fear that the other person may not say “I love you” back to us. Love is about giving freely without worrying about “what’s in for me”?

Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Light and Darkness Good and Evil (part II)

We have the ability to bring light within or darkness within and impact not only our lives, but also those of other sentient beings. “Light and darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers and sisters. They are inseparable.” (The Gospel of Philip) “…the masculine and feminine of God are the two poles of existence in one Being. They represent two different sides of itself, obverse and reverse in relation to each other. The two lines or currents of their energy, negative and positive, effect the manifestation of all that is within it.” (Sri Aurobindo)
God is energy that permeates everything. The nature of God is like the Yin and the Yang. If we see dualism in nature, how can we say that this is not also the nature of God? There can be no light if there is no darkness. This light and darkness is accessible to all, and one must choose which should dominate his life. We can all love and create beautiful artwork as well as hate and destroy. We are capable of creating heaven or hell not only for our psyche but for other sentient beings as well. The God within allows us to have freewill to do as we please within the limitations of external circumstances. Our desires can awaken both the godly and the devilish seed in us. It still amazes me how far some people will go in order to get what they want. Husbands kill their pregnant wives to be with their lovers, wives murder their husbands of twenty-plus years to collect insurance money, and children kill their parents because they hate them, the scenarios are many. The behavior we choose to nourish will either give us life and light or plunge us into peril and darkness. “So you must live like people who belong to the light, for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth.” (Ephesians 5:8-9)
Darkness in the world comes from our ignorance and self-centeredness. Light, comes from the core of our being as well. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said, “there is light within a man of light, and it lights up the whole world. If he does not shine, he is in darkness.” What is inside of us emanates in the physical world, and thus we create our reality. Both light and darkness originate in our minds.

Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening


What is suggestopedia?

"Suggestopedia (in its new desuggestive development as well) is a science for developing different non-manipulative and non-hypnotic methods for teaching/learning of foreign languages and other subjects for every age-group on the level of reserve (potential, unused) capacities of the brain/mind. That means: at least three to five times faster, easier and deeper learning, inner freedom, increasing the motivation for learning, joyful learning and psycho-physiological well-being. The effectiveness as well as the benefits of the genuine method have been confirmed by the most prestigious international commissions and scientists. The genuine method has been also officially tested and highly evaluated from one international expert group of UNESCO that recommended the method to be applied all over the world." Lozanov

"Suggestopedia is one of the teaching methods developed by Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov based on the study of Suggestology. The method has been used in different fields of studies but mostly in the field of foreign language learning. Lozanov claimed that by using this method one can teach languages approximately three to five times as quickly as conventional methods.

The theory applied positive suggestion in teaching when it was developed in the 1970s. However, as improved, it has focused more on “desuggestive learning” and now is often called “desuggestopedia.” [1] Suggestopedia is the latest of the six major foreign-language teaching methods known to language teaching experts (the oldest being the grammar translation method.) The name of Suggestopedia is from the words “suggestion” and “pedagogy.” Wikipedia

More information on suggestopedia

Do No Harm

Christianity – “All things whatsoever you would that man should do to you, do you so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.” Mathew 7, (12)
Buddhism – “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” (Udana-Varga 5, 8)
Confucianism – “Is there no maxim which ought to be acted upon throughout one’s whole life? Surely, it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you.” (Analects 15, 23)
Hinduism – “This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.” (Mahabharata 5, 1517)
Islam – “No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.” (Sunnah)
Judaism – “What is hateful to you; do not to your fellowman. That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.” (Talmud, Shabbat 3 id)
Taoism – “Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.” (Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien)
Zoroastrianism – “That nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good itself.” (Dadisten-I-dink, 94, 5)

Treating others the way we want to be treated ensures that this can help our soul to reach spiritual maturity. We must teat the other sentient being as though we are that being. What treatment can you expect from a worm you are about to step on, or a tree that is about to be cut down? Instead, view that other being as though you are it, and then treat it the way you expect to be treated from that standpoint. We lay out the events along our own journey to spiritual completeness through the practice of our humanness.
More and more, especially in the Western world, people are becoming dependant on others for one or another thing. A person may blame his therapist for the lack of progress, another may blame his lawmakers for the way their decisions have affected his life directly or indirectly. Another may blame his childhood and his parents by seeing them as the contributors to the flaws in his character today. A criminal may blame the justice system for not providing enough comfort while in prison; the list goes on. In fact, we are responsible for all of our emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fire Dancers - Bulgarian Nestinari

Ancient Bulgarian fire dance.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Silver Thread part IV

The Anointed Ones
Who are the Anointed Ones?

This writing was transmitted through channeling information that came from those who are called the Light Bearers. The two Light Bearers who have identified themselves as Ancethemus and Theosophus are just two out of many who transmitted this so that Man knows His origin. All of this was possible through the Law of ONE!

Those are the Light Bearers!
They bear witness of the light in and the light out. The light everywhere.
There is always light in the midst of darkness because the two go together but some have more light than others.
This determines how Bright they will shine and through their shining they can see more and do more and experience more.

Can the light be extinguished?

The light can never be extinguished only it can shine bright or dim.
It is the flame that never burns out. It is the flame that lights up the whole world and it is the flame that lights up a small room. It can do ALL of that!

How can the light shine bright?
The light can shine bright if more oil is added to the lamp.
What is the lamp?
It is the core of the being. The wick!
What is the oil?
It is the sea of infinity brightness and of Life.

How is it that some shine brighter while others not?
There are lamps of different quality. Some contain more some less oil.
Who are the anointed ones?
The anointed ones are those whose flame is not contained in the lamp but set forth and it lights up other’s paths. They are the Light Bearers. They come and they got and will continue to do so until you learn how to light up your own lamp and need nothing after that to sustain its flame.
Their flame does not burn out. Yours does because of not knowing how to be a good light keeper. A good light keeper carries his lamp in all conditions and it never burns out. A novice light keeper is always afraid of when his oil will burn out and is afraid of the dark after that. The good light keeper knows of no darkness because He dwells in Light.
You’ve seen many good Light Keepers but you did not take some of their flame to light up your oil lamps. You rely on that which burns out. You expect it to burn out and that is when you error for a true oil lamp does not burn out ever.
All are anointed -
Only few know how to keep the lamp constantly burning and illuminating the darkness.
What is the oil?
The substance of life.
Where is to b found?
How does it burn?
Through effortless action.
Can it be extinguished?
How come some have their oil lamps burn brighter than others?
Through THE CAUSE?
What is the cause?
Their Life!
Why is it necessary for the lamp to burn bright?
In order to see light as it is1 an eye opener and nothing more.
What will one see then?
Everything and that there is no darkness. One will see everything and nothing at the same time. There is no real time!
Can a person have their light transmitted to another person?
They can only transmit the initial spark if it is meant to be and nothing more.
Each carries their own lamp, their own flame, their own light!
Where does the light come from?
From the ONE!
Is one better than another if his light is not burning brighter?
No! There is no such thing as differentiation on the real level. Only on the superficial which people so often cling to.
ALL Flame is from the One primordial Fire!
Each being decides what to do with their lamp. Some carry it some forget that they have it and stumble in the dark.
What is the dark?
The darkness of the mind unilluminated.

Fire is the Life! Everything is on fire.
How so?
It is always burning never seizing. ONE lit fire spreads everywhere and touches everything and from that fire more fires ignite and continue to burn but they do not burn out and they do not destroy anything. Those are the pure Silver Fires.
Fires are brighter to spot in the darkness. When there is bright light it appears as though they are not as bright. But they are burning even now

Carlos Castaneda's Magical Passes

Movements for activation of intent and energy centers activation.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Purifying the Heart Chakra part III

A man covets in his heart, speaks out from his heart, and it is in his heart that he keeps his feelings of the past and the present. The heart chakra is like a bouncing ball. It attracts to itself those feelings which it sends out. This chakra assists us in expressing our self emotionally and creatively. When it functions without any obstructions such as negative emotions or unhealthy attachments, it helps us create things that are beneficial to others such as art, literature, music, architecture and other self expressive mediums in the physical world. On an astral level, it allows us to be compassionate, altruistic, loving and peace creating.
When energy does not flow freely within the heart chakra, one can remain stuck in a state of anger, fear, resentment, hatred and destructive behavior. What consume the person’s existence are those things which he harbors in his heart. In order to move into an abundant life full of love and acceptance, the heart chakra needs to be purified. We must take responsibility for our feelings and then consciously decide to take charge of our life and actions. After the decision is made, we need to initiate the purification process.
First, we will have to examine and take into account what has caused us to experience such negative feelings. If we are able to point to a specific person or an event in this life, we will need to let go of the blame. Second, we will have to send out thoughts and feelings of forgiveness to that person and allow our self to let go of the negativity.
Next, e will need to start being aware of our responses when something in a given moment reminds us of those past wounds. When this happens, we have to consciously strive to send out thoughts of loving kindness and understand that our experiences are lessons of the heart and nothing more. We must not become attached to our feelings but rather stay objective and acknowledge that everything in life is a passing phenomenon from our anger to our laughter.
When we purify our heart chakra and welcome others in, we are in return ready to receive their gifts of love, peace, and mutual understanding. The expression “two hearts beating as one” refers to the synchronistic life that we share with others. As we nourish our hearts, we extend our love to all around us.
The problems in our society today comes up as a result of our over identification with our self and what we perceive as ours such as children, family, community, heritage, and earthly possessions. The heart is like a vessel. In it, we collect feelings as well as pour our feelings out. When the heart chakra itself is blocked, this exchange becomes hundred. The more the chakra is blocked, the more difficulty we have in expressing ourselves in a healthy way. Just like muddy waters have a residue on the bottom; our heart chakra is tarnished by anger, resentment, hatred, fear and envy.
The emotions of our heart can lift us to the highest grounds and plunge us to the lowest depths. When our hart chakra is open it carries us on its wings to ecstasy and liberation. When it is blocked, it drops our psyche to the darkest self made purgatory. The heart is our doorway to the self and to others. It assists us on our journey in the physical world as well as the emotional one. How do you purify and heal a wounded heart? How do you pick up where you have left off?
One step at a time, filling oneself with awareness and intent to forgive, accept, learn and just continue to move on and share your gifts with others.
Take a moment to reflect from the bottom of your heart how you can allow the purification of your heart chakra to begin starting today.
What has prevented you thus far from giving a dear voice to your heart? It is not uncommon for us to become entangled in the dramas of our mind with which we are bombarded constantly. We then start to have less and less time and willingness to listen to the desires of our heart. It is easier to become angry or hateful because often those feelings are in reaction to outside influence in our life. It seems like it takes more on our part to forgive and love. At times our heart feels empty. You may wonder why? Because we have missed to fill it up with those feelings which are fulfilling on an emotional and spiritual level.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Healing Offering

I do not know how to begin...
I have meditated and focused on the purposed of my many other.
On numerous occasions I had the messaged related to me by angels and spiritual guides that I need to heal with my hands. I do believe in energy healing/Reiki and even in childhood I tried to place my hands on my grandfather to help with his headaches.
It is just not exactly the most logical thing to say to someone "Hey the angels tell me to heal with my hands..." Nope, I am not schizophrenic....nope I am not on any drugs, nope I am not crazy. Yet, this society of ours is quick to shun you. I also believe in "distance healing" since I do not believe that physical distance is an obstacle just a three dimensional illusion. So, here I offer you some positive energy with my intent (with the disclaimer that if you're physically ill you should consult with your doctor or another medically trained and licensed physician) Mine is an offering of positive spiritual energy from one being to another. Take a moment to meditate on a positive radian energy coming from me to you and many blessings.

The teacher Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov on illness

"We are immersed in a world of spiritual abundance, and if most people fail to benefit from these blessings, it is because their inner channels are obstructed so all free circulation is blocked. This is why initiatic science has only one aim: to teach us how to purify ourselves so that all contacts can be reconnected and so that divine life can flow unhindered within us. When divine life flows freely, our physical bodies and especially our psychic bodies (emotional, mental and spiritual) are provided with everything they need for excellent health. If there is no circulation, then death gradually encroaches. So each day, several times a day, remember to cleanse, to purify. Let the waters flow, the celestial waters of heaven. Visualize yourself standing in a torrent or under a waterfall; imagine that your impurities are swept away and that you become as transparent as crystal. Since effective methods such as this exist, why not make use of them? »

The circulation in all domains is an important element of health.
Numerous disturbances or freezings are at origin of numerous diseases. Then, exchanges do not work correctly any more and disorders appear.
For example, scars provoke dams interrupting circulations and exchanges. These obstacles are the cause of disorders which go in amplifying with the time. And so years later, diseases appear by disrupting the organs functioning which are in contact with the place of the scar...
In the body, there are numerous systems which all have to work harmoniously to be healthy: cardio-vascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, energy systems (knew of acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology), glandular or endocrinian system (closely connected to the system of chakras), etc... Each of these systems is in connection with one or several subtle bodies (etherical, astral, mental, causal, budda, atman,... body).
For example, the etheric body contains the meridian lines of acupuncture and the chakras of hinduism. The chakras are doors communicating and exchanging between the physical body and the other subtle bodies, which are seats of feelings, emotions and thoughts.
Circulation of life is a harmonious functioning of all these overlapping systems one in another and in constant interaction."
Excerpt from the lectures of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Saturday, December 6, 2008

From the Master Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov)

Food and Health
"There exists the danger that we might stumble in our development if we do not know how to eat, how to drink water, how to breath and how to assimilate food. By consuming vegetarian food, man becomes more purified. Meat contains more toxins. When animals are slaughtered, they experience fear which forms toxins in their organism. The people who eat this meat, assimilate these toxins into their systems and as a result, diseases appear. When we hold a piece of bread in our hand, we must be filled with gratitude for the sacrifice which the bread makes. Go deep within yourself, contemplate and say: I desire to sacrifice myself as the bread. When you eat an apple, put your love into it, empathize with the tree on which it grew and your soul will contact the evolved beings who have worked on its development. If you come to love the apple and receive it into yourselves, you will improve your energy more than had you worked an entire year."

"What is disease? Disordered matter, disordered energy, disordered thought. When the vibrations of the organism are lowered, man becomes susceptible to different illnesses. In such cases, the slightest reason can cause disease. There is a rule which says: in order for the organism to be able to deal with disease, its vibrations must be raised. When disease comes to you, don't be afraid, but apply Love in your life. Love heals all diseases. Consider the disease positively, see it as a gift, given to you to work upon yourself."

"I say: the most powerful remedy in the world is hot water."

"Health depends on conscious breathing. You should spend at least 10-15 minutes three times a day breathing consciously."

"Colors cause movements, life. They are energies which influence the human organism."

"Music elevates the vibrations of the human organism and awakens vital forces."

"The energies coming from God pass through men. We are centers trough which the energies of Intelligent nature move."

"Faith is needed for healing. If you have faith, you will soon be healthy."

Light and Darkness – Good and Evil

The struggle between good and evil and the battle between light and darkness have been recurrent themes in the life of people. After a person becomes overwhelmed by life itself, one begins to seek answers out of oneself. When we encounter fortunate and pleasant experiences in life, we consider them to be blessings. On the other hand, misfortune is seen as punishment from God and this punishment fills our soul with sadness. Spirituality teaches us that we are gods and that we carry all of the answers within. It tells us that once we forget our divine nature, we become prone to suffering whether of physiological or psychological nature. Jesus taught that the road to salvation is narrow. It is as though one must pass through life’s trials and tribulations in order to find one’s divinity. If for a moment we imagine that when souls came into being on earth they lacked the knowledge of pain and pleasure on earth, we can see that perhaps the only way to evolve spiritually is through earthly experiences. How else would we know what forgiveness, kindness and love mean? In the First Book of the Divine Pymander, we read that: “everything that is, is double.” Unless we go through the notions of human experiences including betrayal, affliction, and suffering, we will not really know what it means to be alive.
Parapsychological research of near death experiences has pointed out time after time that the individuals’ consciousness continues to exist after the death of the physical body. You may wonder then why we need physical bodies. I would like to think that the reason behind our physical existence is so that our soul learns what each emotion entails and to exercise our freewill as much as external circumstances will allow. Perhaps our soul has made a pack with another one to teach each other lessons while on earth. Maybe your father, partner, or a friend afflicted you in life so you can learn forgiveness. Of course, we possess freewill to decide how to react to the events in our lives. We do not need to fear physical death or anticipate salvation by an external God in order to realize that we carry both light and darkness within. We are truly spiritually stuck if the only thing that deters us from committing a crime is the fear of punishment. In disasters like the flood in Louisiana, one person can decide to help their fellow men or to loot stores, rape, or murder others. If all that encourages us to be civil is fear, whether it is fear of imprisonment of fear of an external God, we are going to keep our soul in darkness. We have the ability to bring light within or darkness within and impact not only our lives, but also those of other sentient beings. “Light and darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers and sisters. They are inseparable.” (The Gospel of Philip) “…the masculine and feminine of God are the two poles of existence in one Being. They represent two different sides of itself, obverse and reverse in relation to each other. The two lines or currents of their energy, negative and positive, effect the manifestation of all that is within it.” (Sri Aurobindo)
God is energy that permeates everything. The nature of God is like the Yin and the Yang. If we see dualism in nature, how can we say that this is not also the nature of God? There can be no light if there is no darkness. This light and darkness is accessible to all, and one must choose which should dominate his life. We can all love and create beautiful artwork as well as hate and destroy.

Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening

Friday, December 5, 2008

Transmigration of the soul and physical likeness

Some people believe in reincarnation/rebirth of the soul. My first experience with past lives occurred about 10 years ago during a dream. In the dream I observed some people and an internal voice told me "this is you in a past life". I have been quite familiar with the concept of reincarnation but never really trying to recall any past lives. From that time on, I had started to recall other "lives". However, I do not view rebirth from past to present. What I mean is, during a cosmic consciousness experience I was able to realize that life is all One and that we only focus on a separate existence(s) within the limit of a linear time. Everything occurs at the same time and one can have the ability to see other life forms (which does not necessarily mean) that one was an animal or a plant etc. Since everything is interconnected a person is able to access the information of everything else/everyone else. So, what may seem as a "past life" is actually another life we're not conscious of until that moment. There is an imprint of this in the Akashik records (the energy field containing all information) This imprint allows psychics and in the past prophets to see the "past and the future" There is in fact no past no present no future (just NOW and ONE) You can become aware of what it feels to be a dolphin or an apple tree or another individual (whom you believe to have been in another life) However, there is a field of past life regression and one called life progression. The later lets a person experience or glimpse a "future life of theirs"
Everything is occurring at the same time but our consciousness abides to a three dimensional world and linear time.
Some people believe that when a person reincarnates in a new body, they look similar to the other person (because they carry the same spiritual or rather astral essence). I personally do not hold this conviction too strongly but am open minded to it. One experience of mine occurred few years ago when I dreamt of specific art work and two spiritual guides. Upon waking up, I went online and tried to make sense of the information I've received in my dream state. That is how I came upon Cynthia's website about this phenomenon.
Later, she compared a picture of mine with that of the artist Hilma Af Klint that I had dreamt about (and had very vivid art work images for about few days in my mind's eye.) Now, it is possible that my "current" personal consciousness had tapped into that of the "individual one" of the artist Hilma Af Klint. I am not saying I am her reincarnation. I am only stating that since we are all part of ONE, we could have the experience and knowledge of other beings. So there is really nothing that reincarnates or moves from body to body (it is only that at certain time we become aware of something or someone else) You may as well one day have an experience of "my" consciousness and so forth. WE are all ONE. Just something to ponder upon.

Heart Chakra Meditation - Yam Anahata

Purifying the Heart Chakra part II

On the other hand, when a person with a balanced and healthy chakra comes in contact with someone who is afflicted, a part of the light from the heart of the healthy person is transmitted to the heart of the other one. However, the person receiving this light has to receive it with an open heart. If that person dwells on negativity, anger and hatred, the gift of the light will bounce right off of him. This happens because of the grace of free will that people have. That is why we cannot say that another person’s words or actions are the totally responsible for how we feel. Their intent may very well have been malicious but it is us that allowed their negativity to spread its seeds in our hearts. From that moment on, if we water these seeds with like emotions, we give life to the negativity in us and allow it to spread its roots deeper and deeper.
The heart chakra is what allows us to experience feelings the physical heart alone cannot do. Each time we have a positive or a negative emotions, it is registered by the heart chakra. This chakra also registers all of our emotions which we have had in the past. The chakra is an energy filed with a limitless storage capacity. If we experience negative feelings over and over for a prolonged period of time, the chakra becomes weakened. Our physical hear can also become affected and its afflictions show ups as heart disease. We are both physical and spiritual beings and the body is in constant communication with the energetic auric field. Nothing is ever unregistered no matter how insignificant we may believe it is. There may be times when we are unable to explain why we feel a certain way and despite how hard we think, nothing comes to our mind to let us pin point to the origin of our emotions.
Since the heart chakra operates on the energetic field level, it can host memories not only form this present existence but it is also the store house of our past life memories. Those feelings which we have not resolved in a past life continue to be a burden in our life today. The light or darkness within us is manifested beyond the limitations of time and space. We have the ever present opportunity to restore and utilize our light within. When our heart chakra is open and is strong and luminous we are able to experience Oneness with the universe and connect with others in a harmonious way. We are able to reach and touch others with our light through acts of compassion, love and creativity. When our heart chakra is open, we are free to receive the information that comes to us in a non judgmental way and stay grounded in the present moment.
We make promises from the heart, laugh from the heart whole hearted or say that our heart feels broken when we are afflicted by emotional pain. It is the heart chakra that gives us our intuition in relationship to our interactions with others both on the physical and on the spiritual plane of existence.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Silver Thread part III

This writing was transmitted through channeling information that came from those who are called the Light Bearers. The two Light Bearers who have identified themselves as Ancethemus and Theosophus are just two out of many who transmitted this so that Man knows His origin. All of this was possible through the Law of ONE!

The Interventions

1) In its pity, the One Primordial Energy which some later started to refer as the “mother” and the other one of the physical nature referred to as the “father” pushed forth the death of the physical self so that the Original Primordial Energy or spirit had a chance to once again return to its place of origin permanently. 2) It could not bare witness to the perpetration which “self” inflected upon “itself” not remembering or recognizing that it was One and that it all came from the Original Primordial Energy. Men killing men, animals, raping, and destroying the flora and fauna for self serving purposes and other self injurious behaviors that exist upon the physical plane. 3) Any perpetration upon another being is a perpetration against the “self” and in actuality, against the Original Primordial Energy which some people now call god although the true nature of god is beyond comprehension and it cannot be named nor explained nor spoken of in any way. It is ALL that IS.
4) Men ought only to save himself from himself. There is no evil nor Devil and all lower destructive vibrations originate out of His desires to posses. There is no one to blame. All Men needs is to remember his true origin.
5) The Original Primordial Energy left men with a soul (a piece of original energy which is not tinted by anything external and which is unchangeable and it is not a slave of the individualistic ego that Men came to view as their true self in their ignorance).

6) The soul is not the same as Spirit because Spirit is all encompassing raw energy. Nevertheless, the soul is our gate to the Original Primordial Energy while the spirit is the blue print of this energy field never changing and always present everywhere in everything.

7) It needs to be acknowledged though that This energy has become tinted by the vibrations of the lower plane and it vibrates back to physical life over and over seeking self governed experiences and expression in a physical form.

8) It is not only Men who are part of this, it is all of life. It is the animals, the plants and these which we do not see with our physical eyes.

9) And it is the soul that cries to return its place of origin because the human mind cannot comprehend this simple yet astonishing truth!

10) And it is the spiritual that pulls us towards our place of origin but the ego of the human mind pulls us down into the physical dimension where we feel trapped.