This writing was transmitted through channeling information that came from those who are called the Light Bearers. The two Light Bearers who have identified themselves as Ancethemus and Theosophus are just two out of many who transmitted this so that Man knows His origin. All of this was possible through the Law of ONE!
The Fall
1)The human being which it became know as, truly felt cursed and started to believe that all illness, pain, and death of the physical shell has befallen on it and it felt guilty and responsible. It started to view itself as separate from the One Primordial Energy and it started to pray to external gods and to make animal sacrifices, human offerings, build temples and chisel images of god as he understood it as a result of it. 2) Over the time of its evolution and existence as both matter and self governed spirit, it forgot its true origin. Some men even today still seek to appease god (mistaking The Manifestor for god the creator) by resorting to these means. This pushes them further into oblivion of their true nature and inner powers.
3) The Bright Star, a part of the One Primordial Energy that came to be as a result of the Seed of Spirit tried to remedy this by the great flood and by other horrors that came upon Men like Sodom and Gomorrah not of hatred or anger as priests would have you believe today but because of great compassion and pity and great sadness for Men who has forgotten his nature. But so it happened that when the great flood had come there were many Men on other planets who survived it and continued to live and came back on earth. 4) That initial Being who came out of the first hermaphrodites as Adam and Eve had survived and its genetic code, its physical imprint was not destroyed. It controls the nature of spirit that descends into it time after time. This is the meaning of the serpent who was cursed to crawl on its belly. Meaning- it was the DNA’s double strand image that is evident in the lower vibrational fields of physical form. That is what it is mean to crawl below. The dirt that it drags when it crawls relates to the mutations that take place in the DNA with time.
5)These were some of the attempts of the One Primordial Energy to correct things through the Bright Star in order to save itself from the pains and ignorance of physical life that has trapped the spirit because of its lust of physical form.
As time went by, the Seed of Spirit vibrated lower and lower in Men and it lead Men believe that the only ability to create comes through the efforts of physical form. It forgot that in fact it started with the ability to create on a higher vibrational level.
6)By this time, spirit has learned how to vibrate at various levels having become individualistic, separate and self sufficient and it did not let go of the physical lower vibrational existence because only though it, it felt all life has to offer in the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdom. It became possessive of the “dense physical form” and of its life. It became greedy and it learned murder, trickery, greed, hatred, jealousy and how to lie in order to hold on to the physical existence through mental and physical means. 7) It started to see itself as Many versus ONE.
This is known as the Fall of Men. It refers to the fall of high vibrating energy into lower vibrating energy and the oblivion of Spirit and the true nature of Life.
Copyright: Guru in Jeans
Art: Hilma Af Klint