The heart is the seat of emotions. This was the one organ which the Egyptians did not remove from the body during the mummification process. They removed the brain but not the heart since they believed that it was the center of our soul. A powerful symbolism from past ages acknowledges that although we think and act with the help of our brain, it is our emotions which take control over. Often times we act driven purely by our emotions against all logic.
It is our passions and the cries of our ego which we obey despite the consequences. In the developing embryo, the heart starts beating around the early weeks of development. With each beat of the heat, we welcome life with its joys and sorrows throughout our earthly existence.
When we are calm, out heart beats steady and rhythmically; when we are in love, r loving towards others, it feels as though our heart expands. When we are angry our heart also records our turmoil’s within its fastened, irregular beats. Sometimes when a person loses a life long partner and dies shortly afterwards, we hear people say that this person has died of a broken heart.
When we forget to be kind to our own heart by allowing anxiety, anger and hatred to dwell in it, we not only suffer psychologically, we also can have heart disease and heart attacks. It is the cry of the heart that lets us know that we are not living a balanced life.
Do you need to restore your heart to its original self? The heart is an intelligent organ. It registers your intentions and feelings as you utter both loving and hurtful words. Our heart is not only a part of us, it is also the vehicle that connects us with others and life as a whole. You can see that a loving, caring and well intended person emanates a beautiful and serene energy when you come in contact with this person. On the other hand, an angry and distraught person seems to carry a dark cloud not only around oneself but also contaminates the energy of others when it comes in contact with them.
Feelings and thoughts create an energy field. What we think we can feel and what we feel can be sensed by others around us who in return are affected by it. The heart chakra in itself is an energy filed that records all of our emotional experiences. When we do not live a healthy life style, when we are mentally and emotionally exhausted, our heart chakra becomes out of balance. It is the heart chakra that connects us with others on the energy level of feelings. That is why feelings seem to be contagious. When a person whose heart chakra comes in contact with another person whose heart chakra is also out of balance, each affects the energetic field of the other. One person’s negativity becomes the other one’s burden.
Copyright: Guru in Jeans, 2008