It does injustice to think that just because someone calls oneself human that he actually acts like a human being. Unfortunately in my life I had found myself on the receiving end of savages in human form. Even monsters at times! Faith and circumstances had thrown me for the last four years in the "customer service" field. When people call wheater they consider themselves other "professionals" or clients, I and my colleagues are often at the receiving end of verbal abuse. I and another person at work have accents (not that strong) for both of us having lived in America most of our lives, yet I am being told to "speak f****n English by an ignorant one on the other end. Let us suppose that I was not speaking to a native American but to another Anlgo Saxon some several generations later or an Easter European or God only knows what lineage. What gives another person the right to abuse others verbally? If you're so much better than others just because you think you do not have an accent, I pity you. But this is not just about accents. If people need to live in ignorance there is nothing you can do. Have you heard of the Foreign Accent Syndrome? That would be so karmic if one or few of those abusers and haters wake up with that. I wish it on no one yet, everything is possible.
When you are calling someone in a customer service, please, please no matter how long you've waited do not take your frustration at the person on the other end. That person has been answering call after call and has no control over the call volume. Also, the pi on on the other end is not a CEO nor an underwriter so please if you have some complaints to lodge do it civilly and speak to the other person like to another human being. If you're angry or frustrated or just mean spirited, talk and engage others when you are in a better mental space. Do unto others not just as you would like done unto you but better! BE and ACT as a Human Being not some fiend.