Is it fair to ask underdeveloped countries to go green when many advanced industrial countries owe their success to destructive environmental principals?
What is fairness?
Is the sun hot for the nomads in the desert or is it not warm enough for the Eskimos?
What is fair in one situation may not be seen as fair in another. As they say “it is all in the eye of the beholder.” As far as asking- you can ask anything of any one as long as you do not demand.
In Bulgaria, an eastern European country, you may see on the same street a Lamborghini and a gypsy in a horse and carriage. You can feast your eyes on the electrically illuminated brand new hotels on the Black Sea owned by foreign investors and at the same time stumble and fall in a hole on a street in the out skirts of a major town populated by Roms.
You can definitely see shady businessman gorge down steaks and expensive liqueur as you watch the quite popular by now British movie about the orphans of Mogilino – a town in northern Bulgaria who go do bed hungry and who do not receive proper medical care due to lack of monetary funds.
As German foreign cars zoom by you, you can also see many people who daily walk to work in sleet and rain and scourging heat because they cannot afford even an older beat up vehicle.
Going green may mean different things for different individuals. Some people in the suburban areas live a green as they plow their fields by animal driven plows. They make enough to feed their family if even that in a country which now prides itself due to being an EU member.
As Western Europeans come to vacation on our Black sea and marvel at the beauty of the country, its women and two Euros beers, more and more foreign investors build hotels not even worrying about plumbing and the after math this will cause to wild life in the area. No one cares of the environment and everyone cares about his own pocket.
So, you can ask the affluent businessman, the power and money hungry politicians to go green as well as those who by the lot of faith are living somewhat a green life to go green or even greener.
Each human being will be able in return to do what they can do based on their spiritual, social and moral development. Do not expect miracles. Do no be shocked; just accept it for what it is because this is life; this is reality for many and you as idealistic as you are may come to understand the nature of things beyond fairness and unfairness and find yourself in the middle.
Copyright: Dr. Rossi Davis