This writing was transmitted through channeling information that came from those who are called the Light Bearers. The two Light Bearers who have identified themselves as Ancethemus and Theosophus are just two out of many who transmitted this so that Man knows His origin. All of this was possible through the Law of ONE!
In the Beginning (Part I)
I ask, what was there before we have what we see now? There is no past, no present, no future just IT. There was Pure Original Primordial Energy. It cannot be explained, contained, fully apprehended because it encompasses all that IS.
Out of it preceded the rest.
Now a small seed out of this energy filed is what veered off. It is like a drop of water in an infinite sea. It is called Spirit.
1) This spirit is the inner voice that comes and goes but is always there if you are quiet enough to hear it.
Spirit multiplied like a seed planted in the ground multiplies and bears fruit and after some time you do not know where all of the harvest came from.
The seed or spirit is the bearer of life but it is only a portion of the ALL which cannot be explained nor comprehended, seen or touched.
All was conceived in the energy field. Then, some manifested in the physical.
It is the first Fall!
What of the physical life?
Physical life is the dense vibration and only a mere image of the seed of life.
It is there to remind us from where we came and we did not originate here in the physical world.
2) Matter originated down here (although there is no down here and up there only perception) in the lower regions of the ALL encompassing sea but the spirit was always here and everywhere. Spirit was not clothed and it did not know how else to express itself but in the physical word.
In the beginning if there is an end since nothing has a beginning and an end only we perceive it as such there is always the One Primordial Energy which gave out the seed of spirit. After that there were spirit and matter.
Now, there is spirit dwelling in matter as though it has trapped it and brought it down from its glorious sparkling place beyond what the human mind can perceive.
Who learned how to harvest the spirit?
It was the one called The Manifestor. This is the first self governed energy. The second is the Bright Start. They are from One source but are two separate. It is like looking at the palm and than the top of the hand. One yet two images.
3) When the mystics speak of Adam and Eve or the first man and woman in fact they speak of matter seducing spirit and multiplying on earth and elsewhere.
4) In the very beginning we speak of the one in two where two sexes existed in one being. Now you call them hermaphrodites and you see them as an abnormality but it is in fact the true expression of how it was in the very beginning that spirit came to earth. It was a true expression of the Seed.
It came to earth to experience the physical way of being not knowing that it will hold it down in its sorrows, illnesses, famine, aging, destruction, and all things physical that are hated today.
5) A beautiful tale started in the very beginning. Spirit came to know the physical world through the senses, the pleasures of physical life and then came the rest. In the beginning though, physical life begot life and the spirit descended down to dwell in. The material became its host. That is why even inanimate objects are impregnated with energy and the therein atoms vibrate and are truly alive- a beautiful thing.
6) And Spirit saw how marvelous it was to be everywhere and to experience everything on a grand scale. Then, the first Being that we call man divided in two. Man and Woman – male and female. And spirit continued to descend therein and multiply its image. Spirit was always one but when it came to dwell in a physical form through the seed on earth and elsewhere, it became many individual forms. It caused the seed of spirit to thirst more and more for its won individuality and its own expression and it continues to do this today.
7) When people speak of True God they speak of this energy which had no beginning and no end. Then, they had to explain human pain and misery and they attributed it to Adam and Eve but the truth is, that misery started the moment when the Seed of Sprit decided to impregnate and dwell in matter as though high energy itself was not enough. 8) And as you cannot create nor destroy it, it started to exist in physical form which gives the impression of life and death and of creation and of destruction. In fact, it is a big mirage where what you see is what it is not but the physical existence starts to limit you to only that vibrational nature and you do not see beyond it.
Out of the Seed were The Manifestor and the Bright Start. And as self governed energy one pulled one way and the other in another direction.
9) Let’s go back to the time when it was One Being. There was One energy which is still existent today. This energy fuels life in all forms animate and inanimate. Without it, there will be nothing. This One energy connects everything and that is why life is truly one and interconnected. Some understand this some do not. It does not matter because that is how it is. 10) Energy wanted to become known. It did not want to exist to its own self of attraction and diffusion. There was no one and nothing to bear witness of it.
11) This One primordial energy started to vibrate lower and lower and lower and to create form. All sorts of forms crude, superb, grand, small and so on.
This is when we hear of the fallen Angles. The fallen Angles are from that initial one Spirit of the Bright Star that became self ruling or autonomous and multiplied in form by will but not in carnal form. They can if they chose to manifest denser forms although they do not have form such as the physical form that is perceived now. It went in a way against the initial One Being because it took over its own existence and its own movement in the energy filed. One the other hand, The Manifestor received its strength through attracting the energy which Men sent forth in his prayers, rituals and worship.
12) Hence forth, we hear of the battle of light and darkness- of good and evil. There is no such battle for if One came from the Other how can a person say one is better than the other? This is a human misunderstanding.
13) It was not the fallen Angels that caused this division in and about Existence. It was the Seed of Spirit that decided to divide and multiply and so it happened that they were the first intelligent cause to become self governed energy. That is that.
14)Now, The Manifestor as energy which is all intelligent and ever present expended and it felt that it should have control over all and everything and everyone because it did not conceive that it was from the Seed of Spirit that it came into being and not a separate entity of its own.
But, as the One Primordial Energy does not control nor influences, not judges, nor punishes nor creates nor destroys but only exists, The Manifestor was free to move about as it chose and the law of cause and affect did not affect his movements. And it chose to expand for the sake of attracting more of this pure energy from the other forms that were out there.
15) Out of The Bright Star came these called as the Fallen Angels. They were called fallen because they did not originate from The Manifestor and did not stay in the same energy field. They did not use other’s energy to expand but derived being from the One Primordial Energy of the Seed of Spirit.
All in all, the Fallen Angles are self governed energy while the rest, which, we call the other Angels are not self governed as IldaBaoth influences their vibrational nature, movement and diffusion and expansion.
16) We hear that the Fallen Angels came to earth (one of many) and mated with the creatures of earth.
17) This is what actually happened-
Those called the Fallen Angels existing as high vibrational energy yet totally individualistic in the ability to also manifest things had no physical form the way physical life is perceived to be today.
Having seen that the Seed of Spirit was creating physical forms, the Fallen Angels descended upon the inhabitants of the lower planes to teach or transmute the knowledge of self governance. There, they found the First one Being – Male and Female in One- the Hermaphrodite. This did not matter to the Fallen Angels because it was a perfect being yet, not self governed. It was not self governed because The Manifestor was affecting its vibrational field.
18)What this means is, that the Seed of Spirit from the Primordial One Energy has impregnated it but these beings had no will of their own as they did not know how to manifest things for themselves.
19) This is when you hear of the serpent tempting the One Being that “God” created.
It was not Adam and Eve (as two separate beings) It was just One Being- Spirit clothed in physical matter. When the power of the Fallen Angels came upon it and, you hear of that Self Governed Energy that came down to this Being and it showed it that it can multiply and manifest things for itself through its lower vibrational nature. 20) It showed it how to do so and it showed it how to attract Energy from the One Primordial Source people call god to sustain it. As time went by, it showed it how to use its free will. There was no impregnation of matter between matter but of pure spirit guiding matter.
For, if The Manifestor was better than this other energy field of the Bright Star, it would have somehow prevented this from happening. But we know that both came from the same source.
This took away some of its control over spirit. But, as we know, it had control over the lower vibrational fields because it viewed them as separate from Itself when in Fact it was all ONE.
21) It was so because all of this was novel and in error, it not recognizing that it all came from IT.
22) Then, in anger it cursed this new being that became separate afterwards – Man and Woman- two separate beings. This curse is not a curse as people perceive a curse to be. It was the unification of cause and affect. Hence forth, pure spirit disillusioned by craving, attachment and subdued by the law of cause and affect.
23)After this, it is when the rest of the self governed energy (Fallen Angels) came down (down means into the energy field called Mind) and gave true life to these separate forms which without it could not have become what you would now consider ” truly alive” since their eyes were now open.
24) And the new creature over its evolution, wept because in its misunderstanding did not see that it was all part of the One Primordial Energy. It forgot where it came from. It forgot its True Nature. It believed that The Manifestor wanted it to believe that it was the master of its dominion having control over the beasts of the forests and by cultivating vegetation. In doing so and in seeing and believing that it needed other physical forms to sustain it; it slumbered into forgetfulness of the power and magnitude of the Spirit within.
25)The Fallen Angels were not its destructors. They were the life givers in the sense that they merely showed Men that he has the power of “free will through Spirit”.
The Fallen Angels did not teach separation nor disobedience because these concepts are something people think of. 26) The Fallen Angels continue to be high vibrational self governing energy which does not mend in other’s self governed path.
27) Why are they called Fallen Angels?
Some of them decided to enter physical human form but this is not until much later and thus became known as the Light Bearers although different cultures know them under other names.
In that form, they can remain for as long as they wish on earth though the power of Will. They chose to do so in order to aid Men in finding their true calling and ultimately to recognize their Spirit nature. All of their help is only in the form of transmission of knowledge and energy and it does not interfere with the Free Will of other Beings.
Guru in Jeans Copyright 2008
Art: Hilma Afklint