What is harming? Is it robbing someone at gun point and killing them for few dollars? Is it molesting small kids? Is it beating or cheating on your partner?
Harm is whatever afflicts another being including yourself. Harm is eating meat, wearing fur coats, experimenting on animals....Harm is when you deny yourself to be free and happy, harm is when you cut off someone on the street.
I laugh at people who speed up just to catch up with you again at the red light. On Christmas eve the traffic around a specific crossing intersection was getting heavy so as to not to block the traffic box, I left a bit of a space even though the light was still green. An ignoramus sped in front of me just to get behind the last car ignoring all others. Why this selfishness and rudeness? Why this self exaltation of me, me, me......But again, I believe that you cannot change another. Some people are in the dark ages morally and spiritually. They move at a different pace than others. That is a fact of life. Harm none when you become aware of how your actions are harmful. Until then you will harm others and yourself in the long run.
Harm none when you're ready to start moving a bit faster on your own path.