The by stander effect occurs when a group of people observe or are aware of a crime occurring and do not do any ting about it. Most recently in Dekalb county GA a cop was wrestling with a criminal and the criminal was overpowering him. As the cop lost use of his police radio people had gathered around watching the scene. Finally a women had pulled over in her car, gotten her tazor out and tazed the perp.
People are selfish and self preserving. I am not even amazed any more when they show on TV how so and so has helped another person. That is the sensationalism in our spiritual and moral evolutionary path. Wow!!! That is common civility, goodness and caring. Yet, there is more of the dark side dominating the world and our little earth at this time.
People need cleansing. They need to become the best moral and spiritually evolved creatures. Even some animal spices are more caring towards their fellow beings than we are.
Humanity will continue to suffer at its own hand. Each being will continue to be in darkness until it pulls itself up.