Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The By Stander Effect..

The by stander effect occurs when a group of people observe or are aware of a crime occurring and do not do any ting about it. Most recently in Dekalb county GA a cop was wrestling with a criminal and the criminal was overpowering him. As the cop lost use of his police radio people had gathered around watching the scene. Finally a women had pulled over in her car, gotten her tazor out and tazed the perp.

People are selfish and self preserving. I am not even amazed any more when they show on TV how so and so has helped another person. That is the sensationalism in our spiritual and moral evolutionary path. Wow!!! That is common civility, goodness and caring. Yet, there is more of the dark side dominating the world and our little earth at this time.

People need cleansing. They need to become the best moral and spiritually evolved creatures. Even some animal spices are more caring towards their fellow beings than we are.

Humanity will continue to suffer at its own hand. Each being will continue to be in darkness until it pulls itself up.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

No Secrets or Mysteries!!!

The word "secret" is a money maker! How? you may ask
Have you seen all of the book, DVD, and article titles and other products with that word in it?
I see it all of the time and it bothers me.
Because there are no secrets out there. No secrets to getting rich, slim, younger, etc. Whatever knowledge is out there, is not a secret. If a person had not yet stumbled upon some of the information in the universe, then that person is yet to do so. "There is nothing new under the sun." Yet people choose to market "secrets" while others chase "secrets".
The second runner up word is "Mystery"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Facing Changes

How can we find peace in a tough economy? Jobs end, relationships dissolve, money come and go and homes change. It is healthy and at time necessary to remember that change is growth. Growth is an ever present and ever changing phenomenon that can occur only with changes. Spiritual growth means acknowledging the flexibility within and accepting the impermanence of things. Change is the perpetual force in life. It is an energy that is constantly in motion. We need to view life as a continuous string of events without a beginning or end. Perceiving life in as constantly changing shows us that we attribute qualities and time frames such as past, present and future to our existence. The economy is only one of the things that goes under methamorposis like anything else in life. Being mindful and thankful for the things that we have despite external struggles is something that can make us stronger, peaceful and spiritually abundant. Do you remember to be thankful for your family, your health, your ability to work and willingness to seek employment? Do you remember to smile at the small things in life like a hug, a hot cup of cocoa, a soft pillow and a warm meal?

Attaining spiritual peace is a process of continuous growth within change.
Only change is consistent in life. Existence in itself is something we struggle to explain or comprehend. Each individual therefore experiences spiritual growth or inner development subjectively. It should not be surprising that different people report similar experiences during an enlightening experience. Everything in nature is connected and one person can tap into the same information as another one. However, how each person experiences this situation and then tries to explain it to others occurs on a totally personal and subjective level.

Change is an inevitable part of our existence. Everything is in a constant flux of change. No matter how much we try to change things, change usually occurs at its own time. With this in mind, how does one keep oneself peaceful, healthy and complete? Sometimes changes brings favorable outcomes and at others, destruction and despair. When we are happy and undisturbed mentally, we rarely seek other's help or question our part in this changing life. It is not an easy task for a person to go through the notions of life without ever being affected by pain. This is especially evident during the down times when we sink into depression, hopelessness, anxiety, or discontent.

3How can we keep a mentally healthy and spiritually abundant lifestyle when we are like a leaf carried by the wind or like a tiny boat in the ocean blown away in the ocean? Our mental states are dictated by changes of which we are not always fully aware. As!long as we attribute our struggles, depression, unhappiness and hopelessness to something out of our control, we will suffer. Change is not our enemy in life. Change represents life itself. If we go against our own nature, how are we to ever achieve balance and freedom? Or unhappiness comes from the fact that we go through life halfway conscious. We move from one situation into another carrying different moods and expectations. We realize that desire brings impatience, anger brings hatred and that until we break off from this pattern, we will continue to be caught up in vicious a cycle. Once we realize that we alone can trap our self in a well filled with pain, we can make a conscious decision to escape from it by using what is inside of us. Often times we're caught up in life having to meet deadlines, provide for our family and keep a socially acceptable persona while we miss the opportunity to face our most inner needs. In an age when everything is fast paced, we become accustomed to the flow of external events which in return molds our personality to fit different situations. As time goes by, we lose objectivity and become marionettes of the necessity to please and perform in order to meet societal demands. There will be no outer change in our life without an inner transformation. A person needs to mindfully transition from one state into another weather that is on a mental, emotional or a spiritual level. Many of us are not attentive to our inner state of being and its true spiritual desires. We may acknowledge that we get sad, angry, happy, and aroused but rarely do we acknowledge that even though things around us and even our thoughts and feelings are transitional. Once we realize this, we can have a greater control of our spiritual self and find inner peace. It is our ego that goes through life's changes. This easily afflicted self is our personal character filled with fear, doubt, depression and anxiety which endures a never-ending struggle. In spite of all of the difficulties life presents us with there is possibility for a healthier and peaceful life style and equilibrium that can be reached in the present moment.

Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov on Silence

"How wrong we are to think that silence denotes emptiness, nothingness, the absence of all activity or creation. In reality, there is more than one kind of silence: the silence of death and the silence of a higher degree of life. It is this silence, that of the higher degree of life, that concerns us here and that we must try to understand. This is not the silence of inertia; on the contrary, it is the stillness that surrounds a work of great intensity that is taking place in a climate of perfect harmony. Nor is it emptiness or absence; on the contrary, it is fullness, a fullness comparable to that experienced by two human beings who love each other very deeply and share something that cannot be expressed in words or gestures. Silence is a quality of the inner life."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Harm none!

What is harming? Is it robbing someone at gun point and killing them for few dollars? Is it molesting small kids? Is it beating or cheating on your partner?
Harm is whatever afflicts another being including yourself. Harm is eating meat, wearing fur coats, experimenting on animals....Harm is when you deny yourself to be free and happy, harm is when you cut off someone on the street.
I laugh at people who speed up just to catch up with you again at the red light. On Christmas eve the traffic around a specific crossing intersection was getting heavy so as to not to block the traffic box, I left a bit of a space even though the light was still green. An ignoramus sped in front of me just to get behind the last car ignoring all others. Why this selfishness and rudeness? Why this self exaltation of me, me, me......But again, I believe that you cannot change another. Some people are in the dark ages morally and spiritually. They move at a different pace than others. That is a fact of life. Harm none when you become aware of how your actions are harmful. Until then you will harm others and yourself in the long run.
Harm none when you're ready to start moving a bit faster on your own path.

Friday, January 2, 2009


My grandparents used to always say to me during my childhood that: “life has big teeth and it bites.” When I was a child, I did not really understand what this meant, nor did I think much about it. I went on with my childhood carefree. Later, in our adulthood we actually comprehend the meaning of this. Yes, life is full of struggles, disappointments and heartbreaks.
Eastern religions view life as a constantly turning wheel of birth after birth, pain after pain with some brief moments of laughter and peace. Others believe that this is our only life here on earth and that afterwards we move to another plane of existence such as heaven or hell. Sometimes I think that these are only technicalities. Whatever the case is, we are here Now.
None of us are immune to the pains of life. Then again, we are also able to savor sweet moments basking in the sun, getting kisses from our dogs, smelling the salty ocean air just because we are here and alive. It is natural for all beings to strive towards pleasure and the escape of pain. This is when the art of living comes into play. We are all alive, but some of us move through life as though we are in a spiritual limbo. That is when depression, disappointment, and hopelessness set in.
Hinduism identifies three problems to suffering. The first one is the desire for wealth, fame, and power. As we acquire each of these, we realize that we cannot hold on to material wealth forever because everything has its limitations. The second is the...(like what you've read? Consider purchasing the book or feel free to make a donation)
Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening