"By Rey Misoles
Scientific studies have proven that the human mind consists of two regions: The conscious and the unconscious. The conscious mind plays the active part which directs our actions, reasons out and accountable for the majority of our activities throughout the waking hours. The unconscious (also called subconscious) which sits at the back, is the passive, unquestioning part which controls our involuntary functions and in charge of the more subtle creative faculties of the mind.
Psychologists believe that any person can create lasting improvements in oneself by accessing the power of the unconscious. However, this is not as simple as it sounds. Most individuals have no indication how to even get in touch with the unconscious, how much more for effecting improvements? This is where subliminal messaging becomes exceedingly helpful and necessary.
The term subliminal is derived from the Latin words sub (below) and limen (threshold), which basically means below the threshold of consciousness. It refers to anything that exists just beneath your conscious awareness (i.e. at the unconscious level).
By using subliminal recordings you can bypass the conscious mind and reprogram your inner self through the use of carefully crafted subliminal messages. These messages can be created for a great many things like reducing stress and inducing relaxation. Some of the best I have personally known include:
Leadership excellence
Creative thinking mindset
Perfect lucid dreaming
Supreme self confidence
Razor sharp wit
Amazing memory
Be decisive and get what you want
Amazing public speaking skills
Excellent speed reading
Lose weight quickly, and others!
In these recordings, messages are planted using special technology, which intends to communicate directly to the unconscious mind. These subliminal messages bypass the critical conscious realm and goes straight to the unquestioning subconscious, immediately starting to create desired changes.
How Exactly Do They Work?
Subliminal programs contain positive affirmations (subliminal messages) focused on particular areas chosen by the listener, to accomplish a specific aim. The mind accepts these affirmations without question, at the subconscious level, immediately beginning the work of transforming the messages into actuality in the person’s life.
Since they bypass the analytical critical conscious mind, these subliminal messages facilitate the process of changing attitudes, skills and habits and start to reprogram the whole being towards achieving a particular goal.
Subliminal messages are generally embedded in a piece of music or masked with ocean waves and sounds of nature which are very soothing to the body and spirit. These are called positive affirmations which influence individual beliefs that are stored in the subconscious mind. They gradually and gently replace limiting beliefs by new empowering ones. It is an automatic and effortless method of changing yourself from the inside out.
How Long Does It Take for Change To Happen?
You must be aware that most of your subconscious programming has taken place over an entire lifetime and may not be altered in a few hours or days. It is also likely that several issues overlap and require more than one subliminal recording to reprogram.
Let’s take the issue of self confidence as an illustration. Somebody who has low self esteem may listen to a subliminal recording to improve in this area. Several weeks later, there seems to be little or no improvement despite the effort. It would be easy to conclude that subliminals don’t work and give up.
While subliminal programming is highly effective, there are factors to be considered to ensure success. Some of the basics are outlined below:
Embedded messages. Since it is almost impossible to determine the messages used, it is always prudent to ask the source to give you a copy of the script. In our sample case, the user needs to ensure that the subliminal recording employs self esteem affirmations targeting this area of concern.
Requirements. Some subliminals are best listened to using headphones, while others can be played just like ordinary music. This technicality must be explicitly defined when you acquire your copy, otherwise you may be unable to maximize the true potential of this wonderful tool.
Frequency and duration. This should come with the instructions on how to use the recording to achieve desired results. Once you know the details, you can begin to determine your progress and adjust accordingly.
Reprogramming the subconscious takes time, and results are commonly observed after about 21 28 days. As a rule of thumb, it is advisable to allocate personal development tools at least a month before looking for real tangible results.
The goal of subliminal programming is to effect transformation from within. When this begins to occur, you may feel an unexplained discomfort or uneasiness, a natural manifestation of resistance to change. It is a reliable sign telling you that improvement is currently taking place. This period of adjustment is important and becomes your defining moment of success or failure.
Like any other self improvement programs, you are presented with two roads to take the old familiar way, and the new unexplored path. If you hate discomfort and stop doing it, you will find yourself back in your old familiar way. This is the deception of the comfort zone which is the cause of many failures. If you resist and persist, you will soon discover the wonders of the new unexplored path. When you do, success can be yours!"
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Harness the Power of Subliminal Messaging
mind control,
self hypnosis,
subliminal messages