Fear is what prevents us from achieving the things we want. Fear hinders us from embracing our spirituality and our full humanness. We fear being hurt by other people, being let down by our loved ones and friends, we fear being able to pay our bills and provide safety for those who we care about. Fearfully we dread old age, illnesses, and the loss of comfort, familiarities and the change of our routines. As a result, our actions and responses are limited because of our fears. Fear, like anything else, is changeable and is not permanent. Fear creeps in when we are most vulnerable. Sometimes we may fear change because we have been clinging to old patterns thinking that somehow we were safe and secure. Some people unknowingly are attached to their fear. Fearing something in itself does not guarantee us that what we fear will happen. For example, just fearing the loss of a job does not guarantee us job security. There is always the little voice that makes us think of the ‘what if’ scenario at the back of our mind. Life is ever-changing. Even our fear can at any point change to another feeling. If fear correlates with change, true spiritual freedom is possible only if we become flexible and unattached in the present moment.
Once we realize that there are certain things out of our control, unconsciously fear starts to dwell inside of us. Adaptation to change is needed in order to be free from fear.
Anytime we feel fear, at each moment, we forget our true nature. We forget our God spark within. Sometimes, no matter how hard we strive to do something or get somewhere in life, things just do not turn out the way we want them to. We then begin to doubt ourselves; this in turn opens the door to invite in fear. We self-fulfill our own prophesies which in return manifest in the physical world around us. Some people doubt God and say that perhaps it was not God’s will for such and such a thing to happen. Always rationalizing, we forget our spiritual self and let it starve.
Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening (at amazon.com)