Numerous accounts of spiritual re-birth are found in the Gospels and the Epistle to the Corinthians. A main Christian message is that one must die in order to be born again as Jesus says to Nicodemus in the Gospel of John, 3-3: “I am telling you the truth: no one can see the kingdom of God without being born again”, and, (6) “A person is born physically of human parents, but is born spiritually of the Spirit.” This death is not of physical but rather of spiritual and psychological nature. It is symbolic of the death of the ‘ego-self’. A transformation occurs when a person gains profound insight or has an “Aha!” experience that leads to a shift of consciousness. The Spirit is not an external element, but it is rather the God essence within each person. This is the meaning of Jesus’ statement in the Gospel of John, 10-34 “It is written in your own Law that God said: You are gods.” The same idea is beautifully expressed in the words of the Bulgarian Master Beinsa Douno: “Look for the origin of all things so that you may find the true God within your soul.”
The ultimate goal of salvation is to obtain salvation from the lower ignorant ‘ego-self’ and its destructive habits. When a person acknowledges that God is inside of him or her and that this God essence permeates everything, the individual gains understanding and acceptance of the message, “You are gods.” The scriptures do not discriminate by saying that some of us are gods, but asserts that all of creation is holy. In Colossians 3-11 we read: “Christ is all, Christ is in all.” This Christ or Cosmic consciousness is accessible to everyone.
Excerpt from : Guru in Jeans: Inward Journey to Psychospiritual Awakening